Monday 30 April 2018


Rastafarianism is a very young religion or movement that was found in Jamaica in the 1920s and 1930s. There are around one million followers of the religion in the world. Most Rastafarians live in Jamaica, but it has also spread to communities in Europe and the United States. It is most appealing to young African Americans. They are also known as Rastafarians, Rastas or Dreads. The Rastafarian beliefs are a mix of the ideas of Christianity and some African beliefs and traditions.

Haile Selassie I

The ideas of Rastafarianism were developed by Marcus Garvey. He was a political activist who wanted to improve the lives of black people around the world. He predicted that there would be a black messiah in Africa. A messiah is a leader or saviour of a group or cause. This person turned out to be Ras Tafari, a prince in Ethiopia. 
Marcus Garvey

Ethiopia is a country in East Africa. In 1930, Ras Tafari became the emperor of Ethiopia. As an emperor, he was called Haile Selassie I. Followers of Rastafarianism believe that Haile Selassie is the messiah of their religion. Rastafari holds many beliefs that are related to Christianity and Judaism. Their god is known as Jah. They believe that Jah took a human form first as Jesus Christ and then as Ras Tafari, the black messiah.

Jah Ras Tafari

Rastafarians are vegetarians. They do not consume alcohol, smoke cigarettes or drink coffee. They prefer to eat natural products such as fruit and vegetables. The Rastafari diet is known as Ital. Additives in food, such as artificial flavours and colour are generally avoided.

They do not believe in cutting their hair, as they believe this comes from a passage in the Bible. Instead, they grow it and twist it into dreadlocks.

Men wearing dreadlocks

Occasionally, worshipers wear a green, red and yellow coloured hat over their dreadlocks. These colours represent the flag of Ethiopia. 

Flag of Ethiopia

  1. Rastafarian believe that reincarnation follows death and that life is eternal.
  2.  Rastafarians believe that black people were the chosen people of God and that they have been suppressed through colonization and slavery.
  3.  A number of Old Testament Laws are followed by Rastafarians.
  4. Rastafarians are opposed to abortion.
  5. Women have a separate code for religious and social practices.(They mustn't wear trousers. They mustn't wear pink or purple items of clothes. They mustn't speak about their sexual life. They must be quiet and obedient to men. They cannot be leaders. They must take care of their husband and children...)
  6. The lion is the symbol of Rastafari.


QUESTION 10: Which of the following statements is not true?

a. Rastafarians believe the soul is reborn after death.
b. There are no Rastafarians living outside Jamaica.
c. The former emperor of Ethiopia was the messiah of Rastafarianism.
d. There are different rules for women in Rastafarianism. 

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