Monday 30 April 2018


Port Royal is a coastal town in Southern Jamaica. The city was founded by Spanish colonizers in 1518. The coastal city was conquered by the British in 1655. In order to protect the city from the Spanish, the British began sending the word that pirates would be welcome in Port Royal to help protect the city.

Soon after, pirates began flooding in and the town was full of large ships with guns. The city used to be a peaceful place but transformed into a criminal nest. There were hundreds of taverns and brothels. At that time, the people called Port Royal "the richest and wickedest city in the world".

Many pirates found a safe haven and the local shopkeepers were becoming very wealthy because of the pirated loot that was brought home. Nearly all modern myths about pirates come from this period and place.

In the late 17th century, the pirates were no longer needed for protection as Anti-piracy laws were passed. The men who once kept the town safe fled to other areas or were arrested and hung.

In 1692, an earthquake struck Port Royal. Nearly the entire city disappeared beneath the sea level in a matter of minutes. More than 3000 people died. The people called it God's punishment in this wicked city. After the earthquake, Kingston became the new trading centre and the capital city of Jamaica. 

Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Spanish colonizers were the first inhabitants of Port Royal.
b. Local businessmen were happy with the pirates in their city.
c. Pirates took control of the city after they defeated the Spanish.
d. Before the pirates arrived, Port Royal was a peaceful city.

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